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About me

Why I paint pets and how I found my style.

Whether it's a dog, cat, horse or budgie, our animals give us so much and easily become our best friends. And somehow they reflect those who love them the most.


I specialize in pets because I have realized through many touching feedbacks what I can give to people with them. Through my playful way of portraying them, I can help people remember the spirit of the animal and capture it for eternity. It is exactly this activity that makes me happy. 


Ever since I can remember, I have been drawing. Using a pencil and a little persistence to put things on paper that were only in my head before give me a sense of freedom. I am calm and like to look for the center, balance and beauty. Over time, my drawing style has evolved. It always consists of the same structure. First it is about accuracy, black and white, clarity and a kind of line grammar that I have developed for myself. Once that first step is done, I like to let the image rest. Minutes or days may pass, but eventually it calls to me again. Only then do I know where I want to start putting the first color point. Most of all, I then like to lose myself in the chaos of the colors, the water on the paper and the wonderful color gradients of the watercolor. 

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